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06-01-04-11 Job Cost Summary with Hours Detail by Job/Phase/Cost Code. (REQUIRES JCT software $400 not included, purchase separately)

- Description
06-01-04-11 - Job Cost Summary with Hours by Job/Phase/Cost Code (Multiple Selection Criteria Not Available on 6-1-4-21) This report displays both Hours and Dollars, Budget, Changes, New Budget Actual Hours/Cost, Over/Under Budget BY JOB / PHASE / COST CODE. Easy to read format. Selection criteria includes job, phase, division, cost code, trans date, Period Cost type, and more.
This report requires a separate small piece of software, purchased separately ($400) from Wright Office Solutions, Job Cost Supervisor
Job Cost Supervisor - This program allows you to populate job cost so you can print those pesty reports
The JustinTime Job Cost Supervisor application by Wright Office Solutions will populate the job cost table with zero-dollar start up records with all of the cost types and cost codes from change orders and budgets from the range of jobs selected so you can get some kind of reports that you can’t get if you don’t use this handy program. The program will remove the zero-dollar records when an actual job cost record is found. Our knowledgeable in-house support staff ensures a quick response time for any support issues that may arise.