Posts tagged Custom Report

Choose from 500 Quality Custom Reports for Your Sage 100 Contractor

Choose from 500 Quality Custom Reports for Your Sage 100 Contractor

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Let us HELP YOU find the Solutions & Data you need to Save Time and Increase Profits with Custom Reports, Training, and Spreadsheet conversion (into Sage 100 Contractor).

OUR FOCUS  –  We specialize in Custom Reports creation & consulting services focused on helping your construction company / business solve the complex challenges and decisions facing your company today. We have helped many clients to maintain and achieve successful businesses with our well-organized, easy to read custom reports, or when necessary, advising on changing the company focus, re-branding, website creation, marketing and advertising.

OUR REPUTATION  –  Since 2002, we have earned a reputation for excellence in the field of report writing for Sage 100 Contractor (Master Builder). We offer advice and support on the best use of report creation for YOUR company, and any structural changes we see may be needed to better serve your company goals.

500 Reports to choose from:

Choose different ways to find the reports you need:

  • List of Report Titles, separated by Sage menu numbers
  • See pictures of reports, scroll thru to find what you need.
  • Newer Reports not in the Report List
  • Groupings of reports by subject
  • See the reports in the STORE also, scroll thru the Sage menu groups.
  • Use the New Search feature to zero in on the things you need in the report (like Phase, Dept, etc.)
  • Or, Make an Appointment with Jim to discuss your needs.

Other Great Features on


  • “A NEW LEAF” ( Pay $1,250, and choose any 5 reports on my website!  (That is $250 each) )
  • Buy 1 from List of 25 Reports ( $370 each   (up to $740 Value, SAVE up to 50%) )


  • JOIN with Our other Clients to view and receive:

And So Much More to Help You & Your Company!

>>Make Appoints with Jim

>>Purchase BOOK: “How to Write Custom Reports” in Sage 100 Contractor

>>Find What You Need Using the “New Search” Feature

2021 Spring Webinar Schedule

2021 Spring Webinar Schedule

Learn to write reports at our webinars

We are here for you.

  • Learn to write reports at our webinars so you can write your own custom reports for your Sage 100 Contractor software.
  • See our 2021 Spring Webinar Schedule and topics below.
Please enter registration info below.
Learn to write reports at our webinars.

Time of All Webinars:  

  • View your Time Zone.
  • 9:00am to 10:00am            (Pacific Time)
  • 10:00am to 11:00am          (Central Time)
  • 11:00am to 12:00pm          (Mountain Time)
  • 12:00pm to 1:00pm            (Pacific Time)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

  • Using Sage 100 Contractor Report Writer,
  • Jim Schuett shows step by step how to write a custom report.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

  • TOPIC: Focusing on Report Forms

Saturday, April 24, 2021

  • TOPIC: SQL Statements and Inner Joins

Thursday, May 13, 2021

  • TOPIC: Using Sage 100 Contractor Report Writer,
  • Jim Schuett shows step by step how to write a custom report.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

  • TOPIC: Using Sage 100 Contractor Report Writer,
  • Jim Schuett shows step by step how to write a custom report.

Go to our Calendar of Events: Click Here

Webinars are 1 hour, cost is $75.

Our website:

Also visit:

Do you use Sage 100 Contractor software?

Do you use Sage 100 Contractor software?

If you use Sage 100 Contractor software, I can help.

  • Please email your contact info to:
  • Website:
  • See my Infographic below (size: 5½x17 inches)

NEW Sage 100 Report for CPAs

NEW Sage 100 Report for CPAs

NEW Sage 100 Report for CPAs

Sage 100 Contractor Report:  Contract Accounting Data Sheet (Excel)

  • for You or your CPA.
  • Saves hours of gathering needed data to create company reports.

See 3 pictures below.

  • Request an Excel copy of this report.  Contact
  • Purchase report on our Store:  Click Here
  • NOTE:  Formatting spreadsheet must be done after printing to Excel.

Save hours gathering data for you or your CPA

Save hours gathering data for you or your CPA.

Front half:









Back half:

THE  Custom Report Website for Sage 100 Contractor

THE  Custom Report Website for Sage 100 Contractor

Welcome to  THE  Custom Report Website for Sage 100 Contractor!



for Sage 100 Contractor software

OUR FOCUS  –  We specialize in Custom Report creation & consulting services focused on helping your construction company / business solve the complex challenges and decisions facing your company today. We have helped many clients to maintain and achieve successful businesses with our well-organized, easy to read custom reports, or when necessary, advising on changing the company focus, re-branding, website creation, marketing and advertising.

Reports are separated by Sage menu numbers for easy searching.

“We wrote the book on it!”


  • “How To Write Custom Reports”
  • Instruction Guide
  • Resource Manual
  • Available Now

Learn “How To” create your own reports. Book includes step-by-step instruction, SQL statement explanation, and a huge Resource Section to use every time you write a report.


  • Available on Amazon
  • See Table of Contents, and Sample Pages

New Sage 100 Contractor Report-PO List

New Sage 100 Contractor Report-PO List

Another New “” Report

For Sage 100 Contractor (Master Builder) Clients

06-06-02-06 PO List by Job/Cost Code/Vendor

See Full PDF:  [download-attachment id=”1726″ title=”6-6-2-6-PO List by Job-Vendor-CC with Variance”]




thumbnail of 6-6-2-6-PO List by Job-Vendor-CC with Variance


I’ve Been Thinking

I’ve Been Thinking

I’ve been thinking.

Jim SchuettNo, really!

…wondering about how all the things we do each day, how we do them, and the things we don’t get to.

I’ve been thinking about how much of our brain we actually use, or more to the point, how much we don’t use!

I truly know that I’m not the sharpest nail in the pound box, but definitely do use some of the old grey matter upstairs.  In fact a decade or so ago, I realized that I had been diminishing in my mental capacities, and realized I needed to do something about it.

I’m going to go in two directions from here:

  1. Where its led me
  2. How we view ourselves and our role in the complexities of the universe.

First, where its led me…

In 2001 I went to work for a friend, a subcontractor, and found some satisfaction in helping him and his company, but found the limitations of someone else’s pace, goals, and directions. While there I chose a new software for his company, Master Builder (MB) Software. I became a certified consultant for MB, staying with this friend and his business for 4 years.

When I moved to another company, another MB user, and found they were going bankrupt, and only wanted me as a last ditch effort to save their company. Again, someone else’s pace, goals, etc. and something I could not do, as they were too deep in the hole.

I came upon a moment of decision, unemployed, still a MB consultant. The one thing I loved the best about MB was writing reports inside the software. and so decided to concentrate on using my talents, and passion, to write reports for clients where ever I could find them. This is when my mental capacities started to sharpen, and brought me back to where I hoped I’d be … growing, excited, and a little scared.

Long story, short, is since 2002, I’ve been writing reports for MB, now Sage 100 Contractor (S100) Software (former Master Builder). I truly believe it saved my life.

And you, my Clients, are treasures to me.

Part Two of this discussion, Us and the Universe.

The thought came to me this morning, “Do we really only use 10% of our brains?” And if so, what can we expect to do with the other 90%?

Looking at all the creations in the heavens, and here on earth, and with my understanding of Heavenly Father’s plan for us, I know that “beyond the veil” of this world, we will be able to use all 100% of our capacities there.


So what of now?

Our role today, and everyday, is to learn and grow as much as possible in this life, serving others, sharing our talents, living as honest and productive life as we can, so that when we walk through the “veil” we are more like Heavenly Father, and are more ready to serve Him there. We will continue to grow throughout eternity.

Back to our brain usage:    I “googled” this question:

Do People Only Use 10 Percent of Their Brains?

…and found that we do use all our brains. It’s really quite amazing … no, truly amazing.

If you get a chance, read the article I found:

This has been an unexpected post this morning, just something that came to me to share. Thanks for listening, Jim Schuett

Learn to Write a Custom Report

Learn to Write a Custom Report

Learn “How to Write a Custom Report”

in Sage 100 Contractor (formerly Master Builder)

How To Book-Cover


Price: $275, plus $4.00 shipping


  • Call or Email Directly

  • ( 480-277-7550, )

  • Order on Amazon

One FREE CLASS (Up to 1-Hour):  With your book purchase, receive One FREE  (Up to 1-Hour) “One-on-One” Report Writing Class.  Read through the book, make a list of all your questions, then schedule time for our class…just you and me, and I will help you with your questions.


Amazon:  Most Helpful Customer Reviews

5 Stars  Great resource tool   By BRITT STEINHARDT on November 22, 2014

“This is a MUST for any Sage 100 Contractor user, consultant or business partner trying to write/modify reports in the Sage 100 Contractor software. Jim’s online training sessions are also an invaluable tool. You can tell immediately when you open the binder that Jim has spent many hours compiling this document, and to me that shows that Jim cares about his clients and his work. Good job Jim.”

5 Stars  Highly recommend! 5 stars

By Stephanie C. on April 7, 2015

“This book is a tremendous help for anyone who uses Sage 100 for their reporting needs. It covers all the basics and includes sample calculations and SQL queries. The included consultation with the purchase of the book is extremely helpful and having the author available for assistance is invaluable in itself. I highly recommend this book for custom report writing in Sage 100.”


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9-27-2014 12-39-07 PM

9-27-2014 12-39-31 PM




Need Help Writing Custom Reports?

Need Help Writing Custom Reports?

Need Help Writing Custom Reports?

In Sage 100 Contractor (Master Builder)

How To Book-Cover

Book Purchase includes 1-Hour Free “One-on-One” Training Class.

Report writing in Sage 100 Contractor (former Master Builder) can be difficult…but with some basic instruction, you will find it easier, and logical.

  • In this instruction manual, I try to make it as easy and readable as possible, with lots of diagrams, and simple step by step instructions.
  • Feel free to go straight to the area you need for information, as you may already know some of the basics.
  • When you get to the Resources Section (and throughout the book), you will find many of the tools I created over twelve years of writing reports in Master Builder, most of which I learned by trial and error (lots of error) as there was no documentation or manual beyond beginner’s instructions.
  • My goal is to provide the opportunity for you and others to enjoy report writing as much as I have over the years.
  • It’s a very creative and challenging outlet: creating organized reports that are easy to read, and provide the data you need.


Amazon:  Most Helpful Customer Reviews

5 Stars  Great resource tool   By BRITT STEINHARDT on November 22, 2014

“This is a MUST for any Sage 100 Contractor user, consultant or business partner trying to write/modify reports in the Sage 100 Contractor software. Jim’s online training sessions are also an invaluable tool. You can tell immediately when you open the binder that Jim has spent many hours compiling this document, and to me that shows that Jim cares about his clients and his work. Good job Jim.”

5 Stars  Highly recommend! 5 stars

By Stephanie C. on April 7, 2015

“This book is a tremendous help for anyone who uses Sage 100 for their reporting needs. It covers all the basics and includes sample calculations and SQL queries. The included consultation with the purchase of the book is extremely helpful and having the author available for assistance is invaluable in itself. I highly recommend this book for custom report writing in Sage 100.”

For “Page Views” & more info:  View 
Price: $275, plus $3.99 shipping

Available Now on:   Amazon

Small Business Guide to Social Media

Small Business Guide to Social Media

“Small Business Guide to Social Media”

Available from SAGE for download. Go to: Sage Social Media Guide

With the explosion of Social Media usage, THIS IS A MUST READ!


Social Media-008

Spreading the word with social media.

Social Media Guide

Sage logoThe rise of social media has been so rapid that it’s easy to feel left behind. And it’s not just a personal scene anymore – many businesses are using sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to attract followers and fans.

Social Media-007

If you run your own business, social media offers you the chance to spread the word about what you do. It enables you to build a reputation, forge new relationships and bring in new business.


But if you haven’t taken the plunge yet, you’re not alone. According to research by specialist SME insurer Hiscox (2012), only 57% of small businesses currently use social media to support their marketing efforts.

Social Media-001






Just listen at first and then gradually start responding and striking up conversations. Spreading the word with social media And research by The Neilsen Company has found that 53% of adults who engage in social networks are active followers of a brand.

Social Media-002

“It’s never too late to start. You definitely haven’t missed the boat,” says Alex Truby, consultant at social media consultancy Fresh Networks. “There are exciting opportunities for most businesses on social media.”

  • Provided by Sage Software.
  • Presented by Jim Schuett, Sage 100 Contractor Custom Report Writer


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